Three River Rumble This Weekend – Cyclists Ride for Fun, Awareness and Competition
ROANE COUNTY, TN – On Friday, May 13 more than 200 cyclists are expected to rumble into Roane County for the annual Three River Rumble bike race. But this year many of them will not only compete, but also deliver free books to Ridgeview Elementary School and teach kids about bike skills and safety during a bike festival.
The two-day, three-city bike race has added several community events to the action-packed weekend. On Friday at 1 pm, volunteer cyclists, loaded down with hundreds of books, will ride from Homecoming Park to Ridgeview Elementary School. The books will be presented at 1:30 to the 5th graders as part of the national ‘Ride for Reading’ event. The community is invited to come out to cheer the bikers on as they make their trek. For more information about this nationally-held event visit rideforreading.org.
A Kids’ Bike Festival, in conjunction with the Three River Rumble State Championship Criterium race, will be held in downtown Rockwood on Saturday, May 14. The festival begins at 2:30 and children are encouraged to bring their bikes and learn bike skills training, enjoy an obstacle course, take home a free t-shirt, get a free helmet for those who need one, and register to win a bicycle. At 4:30 kids can race on a half-mile, closed, State Championship race course during the Kids’ Fun Race, with prizes for all racers. The bike drawing will be held at 5:15 and you must be present to win. The sponsors of this event include: Ron Berry Insurance Agency - bicycle, State Representative Kent Calfee - bike helmets, and Roane State Community College - t-shirts!
“Roane County is quickly becoming a destination of choice for outdoor enthusiasts and athletes,” said Pam May, Vice President, Roane Alliance, “and as the Tourism Director for the county, I am excited. Sponsoring and helping facilitate events such as the Three River Rumble puts ‘heads in beds,’ which is the main mission of the Roane County Visitors Bureau, so we are more than happy to help get them here.”
The public is encouraged to come out and watch the fast-paced Tennessee State Championship Criterium in downtown Rockwood, with races all day beginning at 1 pm and last race at 7:40 pm. Be sure and bring your lawn chair and camera.
The racing action actually begins on Saturday morning in Harriman with the Time Trial. The first racers head out beginning at 9 am from the Tennessee College of Applied Technology parking lot, south on Hwy 27, with the last racers crossing the finish line, usually around 10 am, on Old Roane Street. Typically, this race causes minimal or no traffic delays. On Sunday Kingston will host the Road Race beginning at 8 am at Fort Southwest Point. Different groups, based on age and gender, will cycle a 23.5 mile course from the fort to River Road and over to Highway 58 to cross the finish line. The last race leaves the fort at 1 pm.
The Three River Rumble, hosted by Knox Velo, will include men and women, as well as children ages 9 to 18, who will be competing for points for the Tennessee Bicycle Racing Association (TBRA) and USA Cycling, Inc. Race results and announcements will be made at Fort Southwest Point following the road race on Sunday. Pre-registration is available online or on Friday, May 13 from 6:30 – 8 pm on the back lawn at the Roane Alliance, 1209 N. Kentucky Street, Kingston. For complete information about the races, including course maps, visit RoaneTourism.com/ThreeRiverRumble.
This race could not be held in Roane County if not for the numerous volunteers and sponsors for the event that includes the Cities of Harriman, Kingston and Rockwood; Kingston Parks & Recreation; Police Departments in the City of Harriman, Kingston, and Rockwood; and the Roane County Sheriff’s Office.
Be sure and ‘like’ Three River Rumble or follow along on Facebook or Twitter using #ThreeRiverRumble to see photos and up-to-the-minute details!
The Roane County Visitors Bureau is a partner of the Roane Alliance, Roane County's comprehensive resource concerning businesses, tourism and economic development. The Roane Alliance mission is to create an environment and a unified voice that promotes job creation, economic development, enhanced quality of life, education and workforce. To learn more about the Roane Alliance please call 865.376.2093 or visit www.roanealliance.org.