2019 Roane Alliance Annual Report Available Now!
2019 Annual Report
This has been a challenging and unprecedented year, to say the least. In March the decision was made to put the 2019 Roane Alliance Annual Report aside and concentrate on helping our community and businesses navigate the crisis that was suddenly upon us. As we got back to finalizing and wrapping up the report last month, we realized just how much we were able to accomplish. Here are just a few of those accomplishments:
- Tourism: The K-25 Overlook reopened bigger and better, the Relax in Roane campaign launched targeting retirees in key northern markets, Roane became a pilot community for the Tennessee RiverLine, and there was a $1.5M increase in visitor spending.
- Chamber: Membership closed out the year at an all-time high with 417 members, the online member directory had a 58% increase in views, and the Chamber Facebook page follows increased by 44%.
- Industrial Development: The‘We’ve Mastered What Matters’ branding launched helping to highlight Roane’s assets to prospects in a new way, a $15M training facility project began, a real-time commercial property database was activated, and three groundbreaking ceremonies took place in Roane County.
- Education Matters: 145 Roane County seniors (31.2% of the 2019 graduating class) became Tennessee Scholars which is a new record.
To learn more about these and other accomplishments, view the full 2019 Roane Alliance Annual Report by picking up a copy at our office or flipping through it online at https://www.roanealliance.org/news/annual-report/.
The Roane Alliance mission is to create an environment and a unified voice that promotes job creation, economic development, enhanced quality of life, education, and workforce. To learn more about the Alliance and its partners please call 865.376.2093 or visit www.roanealliance.org