We plan and implement strategies for the controlled growth of Roane County’s economy as a unified voice representing the best Tennessee has to offer businesses, citizens and travelers.

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We bring growth-oriented businesses with strong fiscal discipline, infrastructure and workforce-ready people to East Tennessee.

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We attract travelers who seek unique heritage and the best outdoor recreational experiences to Roane County.

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We connect leaders and organizations for the benefit of local and regional business growth.

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We empower leaders, parents and students to invest in education, so they are better prepared to fulfill the workforce opportunities of Roane County’s future.

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We offer natural beauty, historic charm and low-cost living, distinguishing Roane County as one of the best retirement destinations in the nation.

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Roane Alliance


Here you will find some of the latest news articles about local businesses, efforts and advancements that are shaping Tennessee, the Nation and the world!   And they are all happening right here in Roane County and the East Tennessee region!  Do you know of an article we should share?  Please send the link or a PDF to [email protected].

Governor Lee, Commissioner Rolfe Announce Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation to Locate New Manufacturing Operations in Oak Ridge, TNECD, March 2, 2022

Oak Ridge Closes in on ETTP Vision Formed Decades Ago, DOE's Office of Environmental Management, March 1, 2022

Governor Bill Lee Announces $72 million to UT-ORII to Make East TN a STEM Hub, WBIR, February 15, 2022

Kairos Power Provides Update on its plans in Oak Ridge, Teknovation.Biz, November 14, 2021

US Travel Association's 2020 Economic Impact of Tourism in Tennessee
Tennessee Department of Tourist Development, August 2021

Governor Lee, Commissioner Rolfe Announce Kairos Power to Establish Low-Power Demonstration Reactor in Oak Ridge, TN Department of Economic Development, July 16, 2021

Rail donated in support of OR airport project by EnergySolutions, The Oak Ridger, May 17, 2021

Tennessee RiverLine Announces 15 Partner Communities Across State and Region, October 21, 2020

Tennessee RiverLine Releases First Research Findings, Recommendations To Expand Relationships, The, August 25, 2020

Uranium Processing Facility marks construction milestone with “topping off”, National Nuclear Security Administration, March 14, 2019

"A Weekend in....East Tennessee" by Clara Bosonetto, Atlanta Journal Constitution, September 6, 2015 



Roane County and East Tennessee is a hot market to live, work and play, and being in the center of the Technology Corridor and the UT-Oak Ridge Innovation Institute (ORII) is just a few of the reasons.   And did we mention, the technology created here changed the world forever?  We are also home to the Manhattan Project National Historical Park (MAPR), where you can learn how our history changed the world forever.  And if that isn't enough - we are also surrounded by many lakes and rivers, an abundance of recreational opportunities, and within an hour of the most-visited National Park in the country.  

Oak Ridge Corridor website & video campaign, March 2022

 2020 Migration Trends: U-Haul Ranks 50 States by Migration Growth


Read the latest news releases from the Roane Alliance or those submitted by partner organizations. In order to be included, the news must be about or directly impact Roane County. Email your release to [email protected] for consideration.

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The best of Tennessee - it all comes together in Roane County, TN. Home to inviting waterways, a robust recreational life and breathtaking vistas. The best of Roane - it all comes together here, and available for free to download.

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This report is a snapshot of the Roane Alliance team's most active, successful economic development programming and marketing efforts for the year on behalf of Roane County, its cities and its residents. This report is published annually and available online by March 31.

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The Roane Chamber’s Board of Directors and Roane Alliance President / CEO, Pam May, present the Legislative Agenda to our state representatives at an annual Legislative event held in January of each year. In a typical year, the Roane Chamber hosts a breakfast that is held in person at the Roane Alliance office and serves as an avenue for concerned citizens to advocate directly to state legislators and other officials about which issues are most important to them.  View the 2022 Roane Chamber Legislative Agenda.

Tennessee Riverline 652


2021 Tennessee Riverline Annual Report & Other Information

The Tennessee RiverLine is a vision for a continuous, multi-modal system of trail experiences stretching along the Tennessee River's 652 miles from Knoxville, TN to Paducah, KY.   The University of Tennessee's School of Landscape Architecture manages the project that began in 2019 with five pilot communities and has now launched the RiverTowns program to build on their momentum and successes.  Roane County is proud to have been a pilot community and excited about moving forward as a RiverTown, along with our three cities: Harriman, Kingston & Rockwood.  To celebrate this program, Roane County held the first group paddle on the TN Riverline in the fall of 2019, with 50+ people paddling from Riley Creek to Kingston City Park.  In the following years, several paddles annually are held to cover additional miles of the Tennessee Riverline trail.   To learn about the next paddle follow Roane County TN Rivertown FB page.   In addition, visit the Roane County Visitors Bureau Events Calendar to find upcoming events.

To learn more about the trail, its early successes, ways to get involved, and more, read the 1st published Tennessee RiverLine Annual Report (2019) or visit

Tennessee Riverline 652 Map (pdf)

Tennessee Riverline 652 Vision Book (pdf)

Legacy Parks natural assets guidebook

In February 2020 Legacy Parks unveiled its Oak Ridge Natural Assets Guidebook, a collaborative project created at the request of the City of Oak Ridge, Roane County and Anderson County civic and business leaders in response to recommendations from the Oak Ridge Blueprint Plan that urged the exploration of both recreational opportunities and enhancement of the area’s natural assets. The goal was to enhance the recreational, conservational, greenways, and blueways assets for Oak Ridge and beyond. Learn more about the Legacy Parks Foundation, the Guidebook, and more by visiting

Roane County 10 Year Parks & Recreation Master Plan

In January 2020, Roane County published its Roane County 10 Year Parks & Recreation Master Plan.  The research was prepared by IBI Placemaking, Brown Pearman Russell, and MBI (MIchael Brady Inc) for Roane County and the cities of Kingston and Rockwood.  Parks and outdoor recreation continue to play an important role in any community, and especially as physical exercise has been proven to increase health and reduce the risk of diseases.  Evidence indicates when people have access to parks, they exercise more.   And as development continues to sprawl throughout the countryside, the preservation of natural areas will be more and more important.  According to the Tennessee Department of Health, Tennessee ranks 42nd among the 50 states in overall health, as reported by America’s Health Rankings. According to the Population 1 Introduction Health Institute, Roane County ranks 28th among Tennessee’s 95 counties for health factors. With these statistics in mind, planning for parks and recreation may be particularly important to promoting healthy lifestyles in Roane County.  Leaders in Roane understand the importance and are looking at a long-term goal to make Roane County a place that is known for its recreation and not just its natural beauty.

MOSAIC Profile Research

The MOSAIC Research Study is a visitor-profiling study that was completed in February 2020 and provided our marketing team information about our visitors and those who have shown an interest in coming to Roane County; by providing details of their likes, hobbies, and activities it helps us to create marketing messages to better target those leads that are already on our lists and looking to come here.