The Official Economic Development Organization for Roane County

The Roane Alliance was formed in 2001 as Roane County’s economic development organization and a cooperation between the Roane County Industrial Development Board (RCIDB), Roane County Visitor's Bureau (RCVB) and the Roane Chamber. Together, we work to increase economic prosperity and improved quality of living for Roane County; while representing the county we love, and the best Tennessee has to offer businesses, citizens, and travelers.
Our mission.
To create an environment that promotes economic growth for Roane County through job growth, economic development, enhanced quality of life, education and workforce development.
To be recognized and valued as Roane County's economic development organization and an essential partner and resource for helping create growth for the county, cities and residents.
The Roane Alliance Strategic Plan provides a 3-5 year plan for the county's economic development efforts. Each of the partner organizations create an annual Program of Work, while the team establishes individual goals to execute the POW, in order to accomplish the strategic plan and the mission and vision.
To read the current Strategic Plan and Programs of Work click here.
The Roane Alliance operates with a Board of Directors (BOD) and operating budget funded solely by annual contributions, an annual fundraiser (known as the Gala), and rent paid by the three partner organizations. The Roane Alliance also acts as the county's Joint Economic & Community Development Board (JECDB) per state approval provided in the June 27, 2001 letter, under the provisions of T.C.A. 6-58-114 enacted as part of the Public Chapter 1101, Growth Policy Act, passed in 1998.
The RCIDB and Chamber also operates with their own BOD and operating budget; while the RCVB operates with its own budget under the direction of the Roane Alliance Board and the Roane County Commission Tourism Committee.
The quarterly Roane Alliance Board and JECDB meetings are held together, while the RCIDB meetings are held monthly. These meetings are public and announced in the Roane County News and the Roane Alliance Facebook page. The Chamber BOD meet monthly as well.
Agendas for the Industrial Development Board and the Roane Alliance / Joint Economic & Community Development (JECD) board meetings will be posted on the Roane Alliance front office memo board at least 48 hours prior to a scheduled meeting.
The following organizations, businesses and individuals contribute annually to Roane County's Economic Development program by supporting and partnering with the Roane Alliance. With their continued support and contributions, the Roane Alliance Team can continue to bring economic prosperity to the county and its citizens. These are the businesses and leaders who work, support, and partner to make Roane County a better place. They know what we know - that Roane County truly is a great place to live, work and play. Without their support and partnership, the economic development efforts necessary to make that known and attract new industry, businesses, visitors and residents would not be possible.
To learn more about each specific partner organization, visit their websites:
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The Roane Alliance is the one-stop shop for economic development initiatives, efforts and information about Roane County. This includes programs like the award-winning Education Matters program, promoting the alignment of K-12 education with local business to create our future workforce; and Retire Roane, a program chosen by the state to partner in their Retire Tennessee program that recruits retirees to our county.
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Strategies, Marketing & Workplans
To learn more about how the Roane Alliance and its partner organizations work to increase economic prosperity, review our current fiscal year workplan, marketing plan & strategies, and the 2015 strategic plans for each.
View MoreAnnual Report
This report is a snapshot of the Roane Alliance team's most active, successful economic development programming and marketing efforts for the year on behalf of Roane County, its cities and its residents. This report is published annually and available online by March 31.
View MoreRoane Alliance Gala
Now the only annual event held by the Roane Alliance and Roane Chamber to celebrate and recognize local business and economic successes in the county. The funds raised provides at least 1/3 of the Roane Alliance total annual budget & 1/3 of the Chamber's annual non-dues revenue.
The best of Tennessee - it all comes together in Roane County, TN. Home to inviting waterways, a robust recreational life and breathtaking vistas. The best of Roane - it all comes together here, and available for free to download.
View MoreBylaws, Board Members, etc.
Meet the Alliance team; Alliance, Chamber and Industrial Development Board members; and read our bylaws & other official documents.
View MorePublications & Other News
Stories, news and online articles about Roane County and its businesses from external sources will be shared here, including articles about our region. Have a story for us to share? Please email to [email protected].
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